fgtye 发表于 2025-1-10 05:32:50

Minecraft Java版快照 25w02a 发布

本帖最后由 fgtye 于 2025-1-23 19:53 编辑

|Minecraft Java 版是指 Windows、Mac OS 与 Linux 平台上,使用 Java 语言开发的 Minecraft 版本。
|每周快照是 Minecraft Java 版的测试机制,主要用于下一个正式版的特性预览。
|然而,每周快照主要用于新特性展示,通常存在大量漏洞。因此对于普通玩家建议仅做测试尝鲜用。在快照中打开存档前请务必进行备份。适用于正式版的 Mod 不兼容快照,且大多数 Mod 都不对每周快照提供支持。
|Minecraft Java 版 1.20.5 仍未发布,25w02a 为其第 1 个预览版。
|本文内容按照 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 协议进行授权,转载本帖时须注明原作者以及本帖地址。


Minecraft Snapshot 25w02aMinecraft 快照 25w02a
A Minecraft Java SnapshotMinecraft Java版 快照

It's the first snapshot Wednesday of 2025, and we have some fun new features to kick off the new year. This snapshot adds new ambient features to the game, including wildflowers, leaf litter, and falling leaves. Pigs are getting two new variants: you may venture into the colder biomes to find the cold pig, or head for sunnier spots to meet its counterpart – the warm pig! Lodestones are also becoming easier to craft, making them more accessible in the early game. Now you'll only need an iron ingot with your chiseled stone bricks.
2025 年的第一个快照在周三来了,为了迎接新的一年,本次更新为游戏增添了许多有趣的内容和自然元素,包括野花、枯叶和飘落的树叶粒子。此外,猪家族迎来了两个全新的变种:去寒冷的生物群系探险,你会遇到冷猪;而在炎热的生物群系,你将发现暖猪。同时,磁石的合成配方得到了简化,使其在游戏早期更容易获取,现在只需要一个铁锭加上雕纹石砖即可。


[*]Added new falling leaves particles to Leaf blocks without particles
[*]Added cold and warm variants for the Pig
[*]Added Wildflowers block
[*]Added Leaf Litter block

树叶方块 粒子效果

[*]All Leaves blocks now have chance of spawning falling leaf particles
[*]These blocks are affected by this change:

[*]Oak Leaves
[*]Jungle Leaves
[*]Acacia Leaves
[*]Dark Oak Leaves
[*]Spruce Leaves
[*]Mangrove Leaves
[*]Birch Leaves
[*]Azalea Leaves
[*]Flowering Azalea Leaves


[*]New Pig variants have been added, the variant is determined by the biome they spawn in
[*]Temperate Pig - The Pig we are all familiar with

[*]Spawns by default where the cold and warm Pig variants do not spawn
[*]Cold Pig - A variant that spawns in the following biomes:

[*]Old Growth Pine Taiga
[*]Old Growth Spruce Taiga
[*]Snowy Taiga
[*]Windswept Hills
[*]Windswept Gravelly Hills
[*]Windswept Forest
[*]Warm Pig - A variant that spawns in the following biomes:

[*]Savanna Plateau
[*]Windswept Savanna
[*]Sparse Jungle
[*]Bamboo Jungle
[*]Eroded Badlands
[*]Wooded Badlands
[*]When bred by a player, a baby Pig variant will not be chosen by the current biome, but instead randomly selected from one of the parents' variants


[*]Wildflowers are a new type of flower which grow in Birch Forests, Old Growth Birch Forests and Meadows
[*]Wildflowers can have different amounts of flowers in one block space

[*]Up to four Wildflowers can be placed in the same block space
[*]Placing a Wildflower into an already placed Wildflowers block increases the amount of flowers
[*]Using Bone Meal on Wildflowers will produce more Wildflowers
[*]Wildflowers can be placed in four orientations
[*]Wildflowers can be crafted into Yellow Dye


[*]Leaf Litter is a new type of decorative block which can be found in the Forests, Dark Forests and Wooded Badlands
[*]Leaf Litter can have different amounts of leaves in one block space

[*]Up to four Leaf Litter pieces can be placed in the same block space
[*]Placing a Leaf Litter into an already placed Leaf Litter block increases the amount of leaves
[*]Leaf Litter can be placed in four orientations
[*]Leaf Litter can be created by smelting any type of Leaves block
[*]Leaf Litter can be used as fuel for smelting
[*]Leaf Litter has unique block sounds


[*]Lodestones have a new crafting recipe and can now be found in Ruined Portals
[*]Added new break, place, step, fall and hit sounds for Iron Blocks, Iron Bars, Iron Trapdoors, Iron Doors and Heavy Weighted Pressure Plates
[*]Zombified Piglins now need to be killed by a Player to drop the Player-specific loot

[*]This makes them consistent with all other mobs in the game
[*]Chunks loaded by a portal will now be re-loaded again automatically when the world is reopened
[*]Farm animals can now spawn in Badlands
[*]Short Grass now generates slightly sparser in Meadows
[*]The volume of the narrator is now affected by the game's configured volume in the 'Voice' category
[*]Uploading a world to Realms will now enable Command Blocks by default
[*]上传世界到 Minecraft Realms 时,命令方块现在会默认启用。
[*]It is now possible to upload Hardcore singleplayer worlds to Realms
[*]另外,单人模式中的极限生存世界现在也可以上传到 Realms。
[*]Bubble columns produce less particles and sounds when entities that are unaffected by them are inside them
[*]If the game detects that the last startup did not complete normally, the fullscreen option will now be reset


[*]Pale Garden biome now occupies more space that was previously taken by Dark Forest
[*]Woodland Mansions can now generate in Pale Garden biome
[*]Pale Oak Leaves and Pale Oak Saplings have an updated map color
[*]Creakings can now be named using Name Tags

[*]Named Creaking will persist through the day

[*]However, it will still be torn down if stuck with a player or if it is too far from its Heart
[*]Named Creakings are still resistant to all damage, and can communicate with their Hearts via particles
[*]Creaking Hearts correctly placed between Logs have a new dormant texture during the day

[*]Dormant Creaking Hearts cannot spawn new Creakings and Resin
[*]Transition between the awake and dormant states for Creaking Hearts and transition of Eye Blossoms is now based on the fixed day time

[*]All these behaviors are no longer affected by weather or dimension brightness


[*]The Lodestone is now crafted from 1 Iron Ingot surrounded by 8 Chiseled Stone Bricks
[*]Lodestones can now be found as loot at Ruined Portals in the Overworld or Nether


[*]The Data Pack version is now 62
[*]数据包版本更新至 62。
[*]The Resource Pack version is now 47
[*]资源包版本更新至 47。

数据包版本 62

[*]Changes to commands
[*]Updated data format of Text Components
[*]structure_block in the load mode has now a new option: Strict Placement
[*]structure_block 在 load 模式下新增了一个选项:Strict Placement

[*]If set to false, the blocks in the placed structure will not trigger block updates, block entity side effects, or shape updates
[*]当该选项设置为 false, 时,加载的结构中的方块将不会触发方块更新、方块实体副作用或形状更新,提升了结构加载的性能和稳定性。
[*]The Owner field of tamed animals is no longer restricted to referencing Players
[*]驯服动物的 Owner 字段现在不再仅限于引用玩家。
[*]Updated data format of equipment drop chances in entity data
[*]Added data-driven registry for pig variants
[*]Added pig entity sub-predicate for matching pig variants
[*]增加了匹配猪变种的实体子谓词 pig 。


[*]Text Components in commands such as /tellraw or /title are now specified with SNBT instead of JSON
[*]在诸如 /tellraw 或 /title 等命令中,文本组件现在使用 SNBT 格式代替原来的 JSON 格式进行指定。
[*]Text Style in the /scoreboard command when specifying the styled number format is also now specified with SNBT instead of JSON
[*]在 /scoreboard 命令中, 指定带有 styled 数字格式时,也改用 SNBT 格式而非 JSON 格式。
[*]The behavior of setblock and fill commands have changed in how they handle block entity data:
[*]setblock 和 fill 命令在处理方块实体数据时的行为发生了变化:

[*]If the block entity data is not specified, and the existing block has data, the block entity data will be preserved
[*]If the block entity data is specified, the block entity data will be set to the specified value
[*]To clear the block entity data explicitly, you must now specify the block entity data as {}
[*]若需显式清除方块实体数据,现在必须将方块实体数据指定为 {}
[*]The operation is now successful if either the block state changed or the block entity data changed
[*]fill, clone, setblock and place template accept a new option: strict
[*]fill, clone, setblock 和 place template 命令新增一个选项: strict

[*]If specified, the command will place blocks as-is without triggering block updates and shape updates
[*]如果制定了 strict ,命令将以原样放置方块,不会触发方块更新或形状更新。
[*]The replace option in the fill command is no longer terminal, and can be followed with additional options
[*]在 fill 命令中的 replace 选项不再是终止选项,可以在其后添加更多选项。
[*]New syntax for commands to use the new strict option, and more flexible use of replace:
[*]以下是使用新 strict 选项以及 replace 更灵活用法的命令新语法:

[*]fill <from> <to> <block> keep
[*]fill <from> <to> <block> ? ?
[*]clone ? <begin> <end> ? <destination> ? [ ?]?
[*]setblock <pos> <block> ?
[*]place template <template> [<pos> [<rotation> [<mirror> [<integrity> [<seed> ?]?]?]?]?]?


[*]Text Components are no longer stored as JSON wrapped by a string
[*]文本组件现在不再存储为 JSON 字符串。
[*]The format itself is the same as before, but inlined directly into the outer structure
[*]For example, the item component minecraft:custom_name="{"text":"Renamed item"}" will become minecraft:custom_name={text:'Renamed item'}
[*]示例: minecraft:custom_name="{"text":"Renamed item"}" 会变为 minecraft:custom_name={text:'Renamed item'}
[*]This includes Text Components passed as arguments to commands such as /tellraw or /title
[*]诸如 /tellraw 和 /title 这些命令的参数也随之变化。

[*]For example, /tellraw @s ""text":"Hello world"" may become /tellraw @s {text:'Hello world'}
[*]示例: /tellraw @s ""text":"Hello world"" 会变为 /tellraw @s {text:'Hello world'}
[*]Note: in the case where Text Components are embedded in NBT, no distinction exists between boolean and integer types

[*] To pass boolean arguments to translations, you must use the string form
[*]For Text Components with the nbt type and interpret set to true, Text Components will be parsed from the given NBT directly rather than converting to string and parsing as JSON
[*]nbt 类型和 interpret 设置为 true 的文本组件, 将直接按给定的nbt解析文本组件,而非先转换为字符串再解析为JSON。
[*]The format of hover and click events has been updated


[*]The hoverEvent field has been renamed to hover_event
[*]hoverEvent 字段现在重命名为 hover_event
[*]The legacy value field (which was parsed from a rendered text component) is no longer supported
[*](曾由已渲染的文本组件解析而来的)遗留的 value 字段不再受支持。
[*]For the show_text action:
[*]action为 show_text 时:

[*]contents field has been renamed to text
[*]contents 字段已被重命名为 text
[*]e.g. {action:'show_text',contents:'Hello world'} becomes {action:'show_text',text:'Hello world'}
[*]示例: {action:'show_text',contents:'Hello world'} 变为了 {action:'show_text',text:'Hello world'}
[*]For the show_item action:
[*]action为 show_item 时:

[*]The contents field has been inlined
[*]移除了 contents 字段。其中字段现在已内联。
[*]e.g. {action:'show_item',contents:{id:'minecraft:stick',count:2}} becomes {action:'show_item',id:'minecraft:stick',count:2}
[*]示例: {action:'show_item',contents:{id:'minecraft:stick',count:2}} 变为了 {action:'show_item',id:'minecraft:stick',count:2}
[*]If contents was specified only as an item id, it is replaced with the full format and inlined
[*]如果 contents 仅指定了物品ID,则现在会被内联替换为完整格式。
[*]e.g. {action:'show_item',contents:'minecraft:stick'} becomes {action:'show_item',id:'minecraft:stick'}
[*]示例: {action:'show_item',contents:'minecraft:stick'} 变为了 {action:'show_item',id:'minecraft:stick'}
[*]For the show_entity action:
[*]action为 show_entity 时:

[*]The contents field has been inlined
[*]移除了 contents 字段。其中字段现在已内联。
[*]The id field has been renamed to uuid
[*]id 字段已被重命名为 uuid
[*]The type field has been renamed to id
[*]type 字段已被重命名为 id
[*]e.g. {action:'show_entity',contents:{id:,type:'minecraft:pig'}} becomes {action:'show_entity',uuid:,id:'minecraft:pig'}
[*]示例: {action:'show_entity',contents:{id:,type:'minecraft:pig'}} 变为了 {action:'show_entity',uuid:,id:'minecraft:pig'}


[*]The clickEvent field has been renamed to click_event
[*]clickEvent 字段现在重命名为 click_event
[*]For the open_url action:
[*]action为 open_url 时:

[*]The value field has been renamed to url
[*]现在 value 字段已被重命名为 url
[*]The click event will no longer parse if not a valid URI with either https:// or http:// schemes, instead of simply not working
[*]如果URL值并非带有 https:// 或 http:// 方案的有效URL,则点击事件将不再解析而非仅失效。
[*]e.g. {action:'open_url',value:'https://minecraft.net'} becomes {action:'open_url',url:'https://minecraft.net'}
[*]示例: {action:'open_url',value:'https://minecraft.net'} 变为了 {action:'open_url',url:'https://minecraft.net'}
[*]For the run_command action:
[*]action为 run_command 时:

[*]The value field has been renamed to command
[*]现在 value 字段已被重命名为 command
[*]The click event will no longer parse if the command contains disallowed characters, instead of simply not working
[*]It is no longer required that the specified command field has a / prefix
[*]command 不再总是需要 / 前缀
[*]e.g. {action:'run_command',value:'/say Hi'} becomes {action:'run_command',command:'/say Hi'}
[*]示例: {action:'run_command',value:'/say Hi'} 变为了 {action:'run_command',command:'/say Hi'}
[*]For the suggest_command action:
[*]action为 suggest_command 时:

[*]The value field has been renamed to command
[*]现在 value 字段已被重命名为 command
[*]The click event will no longer parse if the command contains disallowed characters, instead of simply not working
[*]e.g. {action:'suggest_command',value:'/help'} becomes {action:'suggest_command',command:'/help'}
[*]示例: {action:'suggest_command',value:'/help'} 变为了 {action:'suggest_command',command:'/help'}
[*]For the change_page action:
[*]action为 change_page 时:

[*]The value field has been renamed to page
[*]现在 value 字段已被重命名为 page
[*]The page value now requires a positive integer instead of a string
[*]page 字段现在需要正整数而非字符串。
[*]e.g. {action:'change_page',value:'1'} becomes {action:'change_page',page:1}
[*]示例: {action:'change_page',value:'1'} 变为了 {action:'change_page',page:1}
[*]The copy_to_clipboard format is unchanged
[*]copy_to_clipboard 格式并未更改



[*]Added #replaceable_by_mushrooms - exhaustive list of all bocks that can be replaced as a mushroom is placed or grows
[*]加入了 #replaceable_by_mushrooms - 蘑菇被放置或生长时可替换的方块。
[*]Added #sword_instantly_mines - blocks that are instantly mined by Swords
[*]加入了 #sword_instantly_mines - 能被剑瞬间破坏的可破坏方块。


[*]Added #book_cloning_target - item that can be crafted together with a Written Book to clone it
[*]加入了 #book_cloning_target - 可通过与成书合成来复制的物品。


[*]Added #spawns_cold_variant_farm_animals - all biomes where cold variant of farm animals spawn
[*]加入了 #spawns_cold_variant_farm_animals - 可生成寒带变种的绵羊、猪、鸡、牛(统称为家畜)的生物群系。
[*]Added #spawns_warm_variant_farm_animals - all biomes where warm variants of farm animals spawn
[*]加入了 #spawns_warm_variant_farm_animals - 可生成热带变种的绵羊、猪、鸡、牛的生物群系。


[*]The ArmorDropChances, HandDropChances, and body_armor_drop_chance fields have been merged into a drop_chances field
[*]ArmorDropChances, HandDropChances 和 body_armor_drop_chance 字段现在已合并为 drop_chances 字段

[*]Format: map between equipment slot type and chance value

[*]Valid equipment slots: head, chest, legs, feet, mainhand, offhand, body
[*]有效的装备槽位包括: head, chest, legs, feet, mainhand, offhand, body
[*]If not specified or removed, chances will be assumed as default (0.085f)
[*]如果此字段未指定或被移除,则掉落概率为默认值 (0.085f)
[*]e.g. drop_chances:{chest:0.1,feet:1.0}
[*]示例: drop_chances:{chest:0.1,feet:1.0}
[*]Drop chances with a default value will no longer be stored, and the drop_chances field is removed entirely if all defaults
[*]默认的掉落概率字段不再被存储;如果 drop_chances 内所有字段均为默认值,则此字段会被移除。
[*]Area Effect Clouds have a new field: potion_duration_scale (float)
[*]区域效果云实体数据加入了新字段: potion_duration_scale (浮点)

[*]If not specified, defaults to 1.0
[*]默认为 1.0
[*]The duration of the potion effect applied is scaled by this factor
[*]Area Effect Clouds created by Lingering Potions will have a scale of 0.25
[*]滞留药水生成的区域效果云的缩放系数为 0.25


[*]Pig variants can be data-driven by adding entries to data/<namespace>/pig_variant/<id>.json
[*]猪的变种可通过 data/<namespace>/pig_variant/<id>.json 来添加。
[*]This feature is experimental
[*]Fields in file:

[*]model - one of: normal, cold
[*]model - 需为: normal 或 cold
[*]texture - texture id for this variant, resolves to assets/<namespace>/textures/<path>.png
[*]texture - 猪变种的纹理,会被解析为 assets/<namespace>/textures/<path>.png
[*]biome - single entry, list or a tag describing biomes in which this variant natually spawns
[*]biome - 此变种自然生成的生物群系,需为单一生物群系、生物群系列表或生物群系标签。

[*]If not specified, this variant will only be selected if no other variant matches the current biome



[*]The result field now supports specifying a count and a components patch to apply to the result
[*]result 现在支持对输出物品指定数量和修订组件。
[*]The components patch is applied to the final transmuted item
[*]The new format is an object with fields:
[*]result 的新格式如下:

[*]id - item id
[*]id - 物品的命名空间ID。
[*]count - positive integer (default: 1)
[*]count - (默认为1,值>0)物品数量。
[*]components - a component patch object (default: empty)
[*]components - (默认为空)要修订的组件。
[*]e.g. "result": {"id": "minecraft:stick", "count": 3, "components": {"!minecraft:damage": {}, "minecraft:enchantment_glint_override": {}}}
[*]示例: "result": {"id": "minecraft:stick", "count": 3, "components": {"!minecraft:damage": {}, "minecraft:enchantment_glint_override": {}}}
[*]The field can still be defined as before as an inline item id (e.g. "result": "minecraft:stick")
[*]该字段仍然可以像之前一样定义为内联物品ID (如 "result": "minecraft:stick")



[*]When present, the 'Item Used' statistic will be incremented for each attack with the item
[*]The specified amount of damage can be done to the item with each attack
[*]Format: object with fields:

[*]damage_per_attack - non-negative integer (default: 1)
[*]damage_per_attack - 非负整数 (默认值: 1)

[*]The amount to damage the weapon for each attack performed
[*]can_disable_blocking - boolean (default: false)
[*]can_disable_blocking - 布尔值 (默认值: false)

[*]If true, will disable a blocking Shield on successful attack
[*]如果为 true, 则在成功攻击时会禁用目标的盾牌格挡功能。
[*]e.g. weapon={damage_per_attack:2}
[*]示例: weapon={damage_per_attack:2}


[*]When present, for items that have the potion_contents component, the duration of the applied effects will be scaled by this factor
[*]存在时,具有 potion_contents 组件的物品所储存效果的持续时长将随此组件所提供的倍率缩放。
[*]This also applies to custom_effects in the potion_contents component, unlike the previous hardcoded scaling factor
[*]该组件同样适用于 potion_contents 组件中的 custom_effects, 与之前的硬编码缩放不同。
[*]If not specified, defaults to 1.0
[*]未指定此组件时,持续时长倍率默认为 1.0
[*]Format: non-negative float

[*]e.g. potion_duration_scale=0.25
[*]示例: potion_duration_scale=0.25


[*]Added new optional field: can_destroy_blocks_in_creative (bool)
[*]加入了新组件: can_destroy_blocks_in_creative (值大于0)

[*]If false, players cannot break blocks while holding this tool in Creative Mode
[*]若为 false, 玩家不能在创造模式下使用此物品破坏方块。
[*]If not specified, defaults to true
[*]默认为 true

资源包版本 47

[*]Added textures for new falling leaves particles
[*]New and updated Pig textures
[*]Added textures for new Wildflowers block
[*]Added break, place, step, fall and hit sounds for Iron Blocks, Iron Bars, Iron Trapdoors, Iron Doors and Heavy Weighted Pressure Plates


[*]Added new textures for Pig variants:

[*]Changed the size of pig texture
[*]更改了 pig 的纹理尺寸

25W02A 修复的漏洞

[*]MC-7697 - Tridents or arrows shot through lava sometimes don't catch fire
[*]MC-7697 - 射过熔岩的三叉戟或箭有时不会引火。
[*]MC-55800 - Successful "/fill air destroy" commands give error message and return 0 for result/success
[*]MC-55800 - 成功的 /fill air destory 命令产生错误信息且在获取结果或是否成功时返回0。
[*]MC-56653 - Zombified Piglins drop XP and rare drops if killed by anything while in angered state
[*]MC-56653 - 处于发怒状态的僵尸猪灵被任何因素杀死都会掉落经验和稀有掉落物。
[*]MC-90212 - You cannot hang on to climbable blocks while gliding with elytra
[*]MC-90212 - 用鞘翅滑行时不能悬挂到可攀爬方块上。
[*]MC-93185 - The exit portal in the end generates at highest block at 0 0 which can make it generate incomplete
[*]MC-93185 - 末地返回传送门在(0,0)的最高方块处生成,导致其可能生成得不完整。
[*]MC-97244 - The "minecraft:enchant.thorns.hit" sound event doesn't play when non-player entities are damaged by the thorns enchantment
[*]MC-97244 - minecraft:enchant.thorns.hit 声音事件不在非玩家实体被荆棘魔咒伤害时播放。
[*]MC-113878 - Attribute modifiers description for chest is misleading / "When on body" instead of "When on chest"
[*]MC-113878 - 应用于胸甲槽位的属性修饰符描述存在误导:“When on body”而非“When on chest”。
[*]MC-118053 - Wolves with the Owner of a non-player are spawned sitting
[*]MC-118053 - 拥有者为非玩家的狼是坐着生成的。
[*]MC-118092 - Crafting recipe unlock toast says "New Recipes Unlocked!" even when only one recipe was unlocked
[*]MC-118092 - 仅解锁一个配方时,合成配方解锁弹窗也称“New Recipes Unlocked!”。
[*]MC-118470 - Narrator plays at full volume when volume is off
[*]MC-118470 - 音量为“关”时,复述以满音量播放。
[*]MC-128079 - Statistic for using shears doesn't increase when mining certain blocks
[*]MC-128079 - 使用剪刀的统计信息不会在挖掘特定方块时增加。
[*]MC-135192 - Boats are immediately sunken if there is a string on the surface of the water
[*]MC-135192 - 如果水面上存在一根线,船就会立刻下沉。
[*]MC-141297 - You cannot set lit state of redstone torches using setblock, debug stick and BlockStateTag, to be to opposite of the situation it would be in
[*]MC-141297 - 不能用/setblock、调试棒和BlockStateTag将红石火把的lit状态设置为相反值。
[*]MC-165421 - Bubble columns have the opposite effect on tridents and wind charges
[*]MC-165421 - 气泡柱的效果对三叉戟和风弹相反。
[*]MC-167125 - Rounding error on fall damage
[*]MC-167125 - 摔落伤害被错误地取整。
[*]MC-183329 - Nether portal teleport overlay does not show up if the player has the nausea effect
[*]MC-183329 - 玩家带有反胃状态效果时,下界传送门传送遮罩不会出现。
[*]MC-183623 - Hardcore worlds in the world menu have a comma after the red exclamation mark
[*]MC-183623 - 选择世界菜单中的极限模式世界的红色感叹号后存在逗号。
[*]MC-184681 - Customized worlds still say "Buffet world customization" since 20w21a
[*]MC-184681 - 20w21a后,自定义的世界仍称作“自定义自选世界”。
[*]MC-202226 - /recipe give or take for one recipe says "recipes"
[*]MC-202226 - /recipe 单个配方也称作“recipes”。
[*]MC-220672 - Inconsistent pluralization in customize world preset heading source string
[*]MC-220672 - 自定义世界预设标题源字符串存在不一致的单复数拼写。
[*]MC-222876 - "Buffet world customization" is incorrectly capitalized
[*]MC-222876 - “Buffet world customization”存在错误的大小写。
[*]MC-226772 - Shulker box opening / closing subtitle shows "Shulker"
[*]MC-226772 - 潜影盒的开启/关闭字幕显示“Shulker”。
[*]MC-241951 - Player momentum on X and Z axis are cancelled separately at low values
[*]MC-241951 - 玩家在X和Z轴上的动量分别在其数值较低时被取消。
[*]MC-248099 - Mob pathfinding breaks after falling into water accidentally while walking
[*]MC-248099 - 行走的生物意外落水后,其寻路损坏了。
[*]MC-253721 - Wrong logs when running /op @a
[*]MC-253721 - 执行/op @a时出现错误日志。
[*]MC-260440 - Players can no longer activate swimming mode in water while flying with elytra
[*]MC-260440 - 正在用鞘翅飞行的玩家不再能在水中激活游泳模式。
[*]MC-261385 - Bubble columns act differently at the surface depending on non-air blocks
[*]MC-261385 - 气泡柱表面的行为受非空气方块影响而存在差异。
[*]MC-262928 - The "minecraft:entity.player.hurt" sound is no longer played when players receive thorns damage from guardians or elder guardians
[*]MC-262928 - minecraft:entity.player.hurt 不再在玩家受到来自守卫者或远古守卫者的荆棘伤害时播放。
[*]MC-262939 - Changing dimensions or respawning with nausea effect active displays nether portal overlay
[*]MC-262939 - 在反胃状态效果生效期间切换维度或重生会显示下界传送门遮罩。
[*]MC-265514 - HRTF stuck on even when directional audio is set to off in update 1.20.2
[*]MC-265514 - 在1.20.2更新中,头相关转移函数仍在定向音频被设为“关”时启用。
[*]MC-267221 - "value" within "change_page" clickEvent json looks for a string instead of an integer
[*]MC-267221 - change_page 点击事件 Json 中的 value 需要一个字符串而非整数。
[*]MC-267323 - Items fields with old boolean JSON formatting are cleared upon world update
[*]MC-267323 - 物品的旧JSON文本式的布尔型字段会在世界更新时被清除。
[*]MC-270220 - Granting all advancements results in prolonged, disruptive and loud audio spam
[*]MC-270220 - 赋予所有进度产生持续很久的嘈乱音频。
[*]MC-271065 - Diagonal movement is not normalized when crouching or using certain items
[*]MC-271065 - 潜行或使用某些物品时,斜向运动不正常。
[*]MC-272790 - Shulker boxes and other blocks in the end exit portal when it changes state are not dropped as items
[*]MC-272790 - 当末地传送门的状态改变时,潜影盒和其他方块不会作为物品掉落。
[*]MC-273338 - Flying boat glitch using string and rising bubble columns
[*]MC-273338 - 用线和上升气泡柱能产生飞行船故障。
[*]MC-274187 - The sweeping attack from a sword enchanted with Fire Aspect can ignite other players with PVP disabled
[*]MC-274187 - 禁用PVP时,来自附有火焰附加的剑的横扫攻击能使其他玩家着火。
[*]MC-275994 - Having the pie chart open while the window is unfocused spams the logs
[*]MC-275994 - 在窗口不聚焦时开着饼图会频繁产生日志。
[*]MC-277403 - Flaming arrows and tridents still don't extinguish when water is placed in their location
[*]MC-277403 - 燃烧的箭和三叉戟仍不会因放置于同处的水而灭火。
[*]MC-277537 - Pale moss carpets sometimes generate disjointed
[*]MC-277537 - 苍白覆地苔藓偶尔生成得脱节。
[*]MC-277780 - Minecraft resaves all maps with every autosave even after the 1st patch
[*]MC-277780 - 即使上次打过补丁,Minecraft也会在每次自动保存时重新保存所有地图。
[*]MC-277807 - Teleporting the player's mount causes rotation de-sync, previously did not
[*]MC-277807 - 传送玩家的坐骑会导致不同步,但之前不会这样。
[*]MC-277865 - The animation of boats in bubble columns breaks when over a certain "Time" in level.dat
[*]MC-277865 - level.dat 中的Time大于某特定值时,气泡柱中的船的动画损坏。
[*]MC-277922 - Boats in 1 block high downward bubble column will continue to rock back and forth
[*]MC-277922 - 在一格高下行气泡柱中的船会继续来回摆动。
[*]MC-278040 - Creaking swim pathfinding breaks after being submerged
[*]MC-278040 - 沉底的嘎枝的游泳寻路损坏了。
[*]MC-278096 - "Fabulous!" graphics and clouds disabled causes all particles to linger in frame buffer for one frame
[*]MC-278096 - “极佳!”画质和被禁用的云导致所有粒子在帧缓冲区中停留一帧。
[*]MC-278164 - Click sound is played twice when you click a setting button and there's a slider under the mouse in the next screen
[*]MC-278164 - 点击设置按钮且接下来的屏幕中的鼠标处存在滚动条时,点击音效播放两次。
[*]MC-278204 - Blaze fireballs now cause TNT minecarts to explode instantly
[*]MC-278204 - 烈焰人火球现在会导致TNT矿车立刻爆炸。
[*]MC-278249 - Experience orb positions desync severely and abruptly correct themselves
[*]MC-278249 - 经验球的位置严重不同步,然后突然自我修正。
[*]MC-278375 - Feeding wheat or hay bale to llama or trader llama with maximum Temper causes item stack to be desynced
[*]MC-278375 - 给羊驼或行商羊驼疯狂喂食小麦或干草捆导致物品堆叠失去同步。
[*]MC-278376 - Arrows and tridents act weirdly in one block deep bubble columns
[*]MC-278376 - 箭和三叉戟在一格深的气泡柱中出现怪异行为。
[*]MC-278422 - Reloading the world after removing Owner tag from a sitting tamed wolf with /data remove makes the wolf moving and sitting at the same time
[*]MC-278422 - 在用 /data remove 移除一只坐着且已驯服的狼的 Owner 标签后重载世界会导致这只狼坐着移动。
[*]MC-278493 - Tamed wolves which are angry at creakings remain angry when said creakings despawn
[*]MC-278493 - 已驯服的狼对嘎枝的敌对状态在这个嘎枝消失后仍然维持。
[*]MC-278502 - Weeping and twisting vines disconnect
[*]MC-278502 - 垂泪藤或缠怨藤出现断开问题。
[*]MC-278552 - minecraft:entity.player.big_fall no longer plays the sound when falling from great height
[*]MC-278552 - 从高处下落时,minecraft:entity.player.big_fall 不再播放音效。
[*]MC-278585 - Players can get stuck when landing on the edge of powder snow
[*]MC-278585 - 摔落到细雪边缘的玩家会卡住。
[*]MC-278591 - Ender dragon spawn egg is no longer given when using pick block on the ender dragon entity
[*]MC-278591 - 对末影龙实体使用选取方块时不再给予末影龙刷怪蛋。
[*]MC-278615 - Reinforcement zombified piglins are angry at you even if you killed the "caller" in one hit
[*]MC-278615 - 即使一击杀死了召唤支援的僵尸猪灵,其支援者仍与你敌对。
[*]MC-278621 - Client/server desync when placing powder snow while landing in it
[*]MC-278621 - 落地前放置细雪导致客户端/服务端不同步。
[*]MC-278627 - Players wearing leather boots will take fall damage when landing on the edge of powder snow
[*]MC-278627 - 穿着皮革靴子摔落到细雪边缘的玩家会受到摔落伤害。
[*]MC-278634 - Trying to /setblock a 'waterlogged=true' state on (glow_lichen, resin_clump, sculk_vein, etc.) produces an error
[*]MC-278634 - 尝试对发光地衣、树脂团、幽匿脉络等方块/setblock“waterlogged=true”状态会报错。
[*]MC-278659 - Attacking a natural stationary creaking does not trigger sculk sensors
[*]MC-278659 - 攻击被玩家观察的嘎枝不会触发幽匿感测体。
[*]MC-278683 - Mobs spawned from spawners or /summon never drop their equipment
[*]MC-278683 - 由刷怪笼或/summon生成的生物永不掉落其装备。
[*]MC-278708 - Throwing ender pearls while mounted only dismounts you, without teleporting
[*]MC-278708 - 在骑乘状态中投掷末影珍珠只会脱离坐骑,而不会传送。
[*]MC-278728 - smithing_transform recipes can't set an item's components back to default
[*]MC-278728 - smithing_transform配方不能把物品的组件改回默认值。
[*]MC-278733 - Breaking a double resin brick slab block only returns a single slab
[*]MC-278733 - 破坏一个树脂砖双层台阶方块只会返回一个台阶。
[*]MC-278734 - Sheep's heads stutter when they look up or down
[*]MC-278734 - 绵羊向上/下看时,其头部动作卡顿。
[*]MC-278755 - Teleporting far away while riding an entity softlocks the game
[*]MC-278755 - 骑乘实体时远程传送会导致游戏软锁。
[*]MC-278801 - The closed eyeblossom to gray dye recipe is not grouped with the other gray dye recipe
[*]MC-278801 - 闭合的眼眸花合成为灰色染料的配方未与其他灰色染料配方共组。
[*]MC-278841 - Powder snow no longer slows down the player falling from a high place
[*]MC-278841 - 细雪不再减速从高处下落的玩家。
[*]MC-279145 - Shulker bullets are no longer affected by bubble columns
[*]MC-279145 - 潜影弹不再受气泡柱影响。
[*]MC-279152 - Shulker bullets can't teleport through nether or end portals, end gateways
[*]MC-279152 - 潜影弹不能通过下界/末地传送门和末地折跃门传送。


Snapshots are available for Minecraft: Java Edition. To install the Snapshot, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Installations" tab.
快照可用于 Minecraft: Java Edition。要安装快照,请打开 Minecraft Launcher 并在“安装”选项卡中启用快照。

Testing versions can corrupt your world, so please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.

Cross-platform server jar:
跨平台服务器 jar:

[*]Minecraft server jar
[*]Minecraft server jar

Report bugs here:
在此处报告 Bug:

[*]Minecraft issue tracker!
[*]Minecraft issue tracker!

Want to give feedback?

[*]For any feedback and suggestions, head over to the Feedback site . If you're feeling chatty, join us over at the official Minecraft Discord .
[*]有关任何反馈和建议,请前往 Feedback site . 如果您善于聊天,请加入我们的 official Minecraft Discord .


【fgtye 译自Java Team 2025 年 1 月 8 日发布的 Minecraft Snapshot 25w02a】
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Converted at 2025-01-10 04:11 +0800
[*]MCBBS纪念版 - 幻翼块讯版块

MRTangwin8 发表于 2025-1-10 08:02:07



世界重构 发表于 2025-1-10 21:08:23


世界重构 发表于 2025-1-19 08:47:29


fgtye 发表于 2025-1-21 17:55:52

世界重构 发表于 2025-1-19 08:47

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查看完整版本: Minecraft Java版快照 25w02a 发布